3D Graphene Based Nano Cloud Capacitors (Segmentation and Structure) Based on Nano-Micro PhD

Researcher  and author: PhD student    Afshin Rashid

Note: Graphene is one of the most widely used carbon materials in nano-superconductor electrodes. Graphene   has the theoretical maximum electrochemical capacity of about    21.7% and 93.0%, respectively. 

The main problem is to reduce the capacitance of the nano-capacitors relative to the  graphene plates and consequently to reduce the surface area and  permeability of the electrolyte ions into the electrode. To address this  challenge, 3D graphene networks (3DGNs) are interconnected  as a material. Ideally used as a superconducting material. The unique properties and the highly porous structure of 3DGNs or the 3D structure of graphene provide not only  a high level of availability, electrolyte penetration and pathways for electron transfer  , but also an extraordinary scaffolding for active materials  Ultra-high performance 3D GNs, high capacity, excellent mechanical properties  and high electrical conductivity provide unique application in charge-discharge and long-life capacitive nano- materials  .

One of the ways to optimize the properties of energy storage systems is to  develop new materials for use as electrode material in nano-capacitors. Carbon materials such as graphene, carbon nanotubes, graphite, carbon, etc. Nanvfaybr  due to high electrical conductivity, cost and availability, biocompatibility and  stability, good electrical conductivity plays an important role in nano-supercapacitor that one of the  newest The carbon structures are three-dimensional graphene which due to its  unique 3D structure facilitates the electrolyte penetration and  has a high surface area and high electrical conductivity.

Graphene nano-capacitors are very similar in structure and mechanism to capacitors, except that the surface area of ​​nano-electrodes is higher due to the high porosity in nano-graphene capacitors, which results in increased energy storage capacity of nano-capacitors. Compared to conventional capacitors. The energy density of graphene nano-supercapacitors is much higher than that of conventional dielectric capacitors. In this type of nano-supercapacitors are used high-porosity carbon compounds such as carbon   , carbon nanotubes, active graphite  and nano-carbon, nano-carbon  For a number of reasons, availability, relatively low price,  non-toxicity, high stability and high electrical stability and thermal stability have become  widely used in supercapacitors. The mechanism of storage of electrical charges in  this type of nano-capacitors is the formation of nano-layers Dual electric.


Graphene is one of the most widely used carbon materials in the electrode  of graphene nano-capacitors, due to the adhesion of graphene plates to each other and consequently a decrease  in the level and permeability of the electrolyte ions to the electrode, which reduces the conductivity and electronic storage capacity of the electrode.  Recently,  3D graphene (3DGNs) with interconnected structure as an ideal material as a superconducting nano material has been investigated. The unique properties  and the highly porous structure of 3DGNs, not only contribute to the high availability level  , the electrolyte penetration and the creation of pathways for electron transfer to increase  the energy density and energy storage capacity, but also an  extraordinary scaffolding for active materials Has provided. From Graphene nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes are among the active ingredients. Since the  internal resistance of the graphene capacitor nano material should be as low as possible, the  use of carbon nanotube leads to increased conductivity of the capacitive nano-material,  as well as the separation of the three-dimensional graphene plates, leading to  a particularly high active surface area. And increase the storage capacity of the graphene nano-cloud capacitors.

Author: Engineer Afshin Rashid  

PhD student of Nano-Microelectronics at Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran