_ Department of nano laser and electronics

The link between electronics and nano lasers 

Researcher  and author: Dr.   (   Afshin Rashid)

Note:  Lasers  are a beam of electromagnetic radiation. Laser beams can be produced from visible light, X-rays, ultraviolet rays or infrared light. Laser is a type of excited and energetic light that cannot be seen in nature under normal conditions, but it can be created with special technology and equipment.

Laser has differences with ordinary light, and these characteristics  cause its special abilities and applications. Laser light is brighter and more intense than natural light  Laser light can break the hardest metals and easily pass through a hard object like diamond and  create a hole in it. The low-power and ultra-fine beams of other types of lasers can be  used to perform very delicate operations such as surgery on the human eye. Laser light can be controlled with high precision  and used as a continuous beam called continuous laser or fast bursts called pulsed laser  . Unlike normal light, laser light has completely coordinated energy, which  creates a lot of power to do different things in it. The word laser is from the first letters of descriptive words  Its characteristics have been created, which means the amplification of light by the induced emission of radiation  The difference between laser beam and normal light is in the important properties  that exist in this beam. These characteristics are: coherence, monotony, directness  of high intensity. The mentioned properties cannot be seen in normal light and these properties  are used for different tasks.

Nano lasers
(nanolaser) is a laser that on the scale of nano  dimensions,  these tiny lasers can be adjusted quickly and together with the  small  footprint,  make  them ideal candidates for optical computing on a chip  The intense optical fields of such a laser also enable the amplification effect in nonlinear optics or scattering (Raman) with  increased surface area  ,  thus paving the way for integrated nanophotonic circuits in general Nano Laser   or  amplification  is a process in which the environment  transfers part of its energy to the emitted electromagnetic radiation  , and as a result, the optical power increases. This is the basic principle of all lasersQuantitatively,  gain is  a measure of the ability of a laser medium  to increase optical power.

Conclusion : 

Lasers  are a beam of electromagnetic radiation. Laser beams can be produced from visible light, X-rays, ultraviolet rays or infrared light. Laser is a type of excited and energetic light that cannot be seen in nature under normal conditions, but  it can be created with special technology and equipment.

Researcher  and author: Dr.   (   Afshin Rashid)

Specialized doctorate in nano-microelectronics