Section (Self-organized electrical nanostructure)

DND self-organized electrical nanostructure in  connection with nanostructure and microstructures in science (nanoelectronics)  

Researcher  and author: Dr.   (   Afshin Rashid)

Note: Regarding the microstructures in nanoscience, it may be thought that the materials that are seen in the form of masses around are created from the expansion of the primary structural order. In  other words, it may be thought that bulk nanostructures are the expanded form of the primary structure and therefore  will have all the properties and behavior of the primary structure.

This perception is different from behavioral observations of substances. For example, in the graphene structure, it is expected that the strength  will be different in different directions, because the primary structure has high strength in the direction of the honeycomb planes and  low strength in the direction perpendicular to the planes. Therefore, graphene should be able to move nanoparticles on each other only in some specific directions. Graphene is the best and most useful raw material in the production of nanochips and nanoelectronic components.

As a result, the influencing factors in the bulk properties of materials are briefly and simply the constituent elements of the materials, the structure of the materials and the microstructure of the materials. In a simple way, the bulk properties of materials can be considered similar to the properties of a city. For example, the architecture of nanomaterials in electronics is very similar to the elements that make up materials in the form of materials used in city buildings, the structure of materials that determines how elements are placed next to each other and the connections between them in the form of city buildings (meaning complete integration) and the microstructure that determines how the microscopic structure is put together is considered as specific patterns. Microstructures in science (nanoelectronics) will also be extremely vital and practical. Nanostructure is defined as any structure with one or more dimensions and is measured in the range of nanometer scale. Nanostructures  refer to materials or structures that   have at least one dimension between 1 and 100 nanometers . The importance of nanoscale is in changing the properties and characteristics of materials in these dimensions. Properties such as  electrical conductivity, electromagnetic properties, etc. Starting to change the properties of the material by  shrinking it depends above all on the type of material and the desired property. For example, by reducing  the dimensions of a material, generally some of the electromagnetic properties of nano-molecular materials such as the conductivity of nano particles in materials are improved. This increase in strength  does not happen only in the range of a few nanometers, and the strength of materials of several tens or even hundreds of nanometers may  be much higher than the mass material of a large scale.  These changes can be measured using optical characteristics. 


Regarding the microstructures in nanoscience, it may be thought that the materials that are seen in the form of a mass around are created from the expansion of the primary structural order. In  other words, it may be thought that bulk nanostructures are the expanded form of the primary structure and therefore  will have all the properties and behavior of the primary structure.

Researcher  and author: Dr.   (   Afshin Rashid)

Specialized doctorate in nano-microelectronics