_ Department of nano reactors and (electrical conduction)
Researcher and author: Dr. ( Afshin Rashid)
Note: For example, in the structure of nanoreactors, there are countless and simultaneous reactions in the cells of living organisms, and it is based on the same principle. Therefore, diverse biological and chemical structures that have the characteristics of a nanoreactor are used. The reason and advantages of using reactors and nanoreactors on a macroscopic scale is a chambered chemical reactor that makes it possible to carry out a reaction in a certain volume.
One of the advantages of using a reactor is the possibility of precise control of reaction conditions such as solvent, temperature and stirring speed. On the micro and nano scale, chambers can be created that separate a specific volume of the reaction mixture from the medium bulk environment . If a chemical reaction is enclosed in such a chamber, then this chamber is called a nanoreactor. Deemed to be.
The advantages of using nano reactors include more control over the reaction, selectivity, separation of porous materials, and electronic conduction of nano materials from the bulk environment, followed by reducing the toxicity of the system or increasing the stability of the catalyst, and being ideal in electrochemical processes. Noted because of their small size. In general, nanostructured materials with specific size, shape and geometry have unique and different properties from bulk materials. By using reaction environments with nanometer and micrometer dimensions, they can produce new nanomaterials with interesting and remarkable properties. In general, nanoreactors are chambers with nanometer dimensions in which chemical reactions can be performed.
Conclusion :
For example, in the structure of nanoreactors, there are countless and simultaneous reactions in the cells of living organisms, and it is based on the same principle. Therefore, diverse biological and chemical structures that have the characteristics of a nanoreactor are used. The reason and advantages of using reactors and nanoreactors on a macroscopic scale is a chambered chemical reactor that makes it possible to carry out a reaction in a certain volume.
Researcher and author: Dr. ( Afshin Rashid)
Specialized doctorate in nano-microelectronics