Department of systems (nano and microelectric and mechanical  MEMS )  

A description of (nano and micro-electric and mechanical MEMS systems  

Researcher  and author: Dr.   (   Afshin Rashid)

Note: MEMS that integrates moving micro-devices (actuators and  sensors), energy-radiating micro-devices (such as  antennas, micro-structures and coils),  micron-scale actuator sensor circuits and  control processing circuits. It is widely  used.

Nano- and micro-electromechanical systems and  precision instruments and measuring devices ( various states of the industry), high-performance computers  that are used  in the design of software and effective computing environment  . The design of micro-nano scale systems, subsystems  , tools and structures without unifying them and  regular cooperation, is ready for the integration of  new phenomena and complex processes. Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) is the integration of  mechanical elements, sensors, actuators and nanoelectronic devices  on a silicon base by means of  manufacturing technology in nano-micron dimensions. As long as the  electronic devices are made for use in the process of  integrated circuits (IC) (such as components), "BICMOS, Bipolar, CMOS  micro-mechanical fabrication" for use in micro-machining processes,  compatible and appropriate to be  selectively part by part with silicon wafers or adding new construction layers to form  mechanical and electrical devices. Mechanical is used,   they are made.

Microelectronic integrated circuits can  be considered as the mastermind of a system, and MEMS  augments this decision-making capability with eyes and arms  to allow microsystems to measure the environment  by mechanical, thermal, biological, chemical, optical measurements. and collect magnetically. The electronics then use the information received from the sensors and  through some decision making commands the arms to  react by moving, positioning,  adjusting, pumping and filtering As a result, the environment is controlled  for the desired requirements  . At each level of the hierarchy of design, the efficiency  of the system in the realm of its behavior for evaluation, optimization and Correction of the optimization and combination process is used  to find new solutions. ICs must provide  MEMS performance characteristics such as device control and  electromechanical structures based on electromagnetism , input-output channels,  analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversions, filtering  , data utilization, etc.

Conclusion :

As MEMS devices are made for use in batch fabrication methods  such as integrated circuits , a new level of performance, reliability, and dexterity can be  achieved on a small silicon chip at a relatively low cost  .

Researcher  and author: Dr.   (   Afshin Rashid)

Specialized doctorate in nano-microelectronics