_ Nanoplasmonics and Nanoelectronics Model Section
(Nanoelectronics and Plasmonic Model) in the design of nanodevices such as nanotransistors and nanodiodes, nanoswitches and nanologic gates
Researcher and Author: Dr. ( Afshin Rashid)
Note: Micro/nano patterning is one of the techniques for miniaturizing patterns, especially for electronics. Today, soft lithography has become a standard in biomaterials engineering and fundamental research in cell biology. It generally uses lithography methods, but many techniques have been developed. Batch fabrication of microstructures requires a low-cost, high-throughput surface patterning technique.
Micro/nano patterning is one of the techniques for miniaturizing patterns in the design of nanodevices such as nanotransistors and nanodiodes, nanoswitches and nanologic gates, in order to design nanoscale computers with dual-scale capabilities. All living biological systems function due to molecular interactions of different subsystems. Molecular building blocks (proteins and nucleic acids, lipids and carbohydrates, DNA and RNA) can be considered as an inspiring strategy on how to design high-performance NEMS and MEMS that have the required properties and characteristics. In addition, analytical and numerical methods are available to analyze the dynamics and three-dimensional geometry, bonding and other features of atoms and molecules. Therefore, electromagnetic and mechanical, and other physical and chemical properties can be studied. Nanostructures and nanosystems can be widely used in medicine and healthcare. Possible applications of nanotechnology include: drug synthesis and drug delivery (the therapeutic potential is greatly increased due to the effective direct delivery of new types of drugs to specific sites in the body), nanosurgery and nanotherapy, genome synthesis and detection, nanoscale actuators and sensors (diagnosis and prevention of disease), design and implantation of irreplaceable artificial organs, and design of high-performance nanomaterials. It is important that these technologies change the manufacturing and production of materials, devices, and systems.
Nanolithography is a branch of nanotechnology that deals with the study and application of nanostructures of nanometer-scale structures, meaning that there are nanopatterns with at least one lateral dimension between the size of an individual atom and approximately 100 nanometers , but nowadays we understand something different whenever the term is associated with nanotechnology. Nanolithography is used, for example, during the nanofabrication of advanced semiconductor integrated circuits (nanocircuits), for nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) or for almost any other fundamental application in various scientific fields in the field of nanosearch. The technology can be used in the production of nano-type semiconductor integrated circuits (ICs), NEMS and for various applications in research. Modification of semiconductor chips at the nanoscale (in the range of 10-9 meters) is also possible.
Micro/nano patterning is one of the techniques for miniaturizing patterns, especially for electronics. Today, soft lithography has become a standard in biomaterials engineering and fundamental research in cell biology. It generally uses lithography methods, but many techniques have been developed. Batch fabrication of microstructures requires a low-cost, high-throughput surface patterning technique.
Researcher and Author: Dr. ( Afshin Rashid)
Specialized PhD in Nano-Microelectronics