Department of systems (nano and microelectric and mechanical MEMS )
wire bonding in (nano and microelectric and mechanical MEMS ) systems
Researcher and author: Dr. ( Afshin Rashid)
Note: The processes of composition, design and optimization are actually an evolution of natural samples. At each level of the hierarchy of design, the efficiency of the system in the realm of its behavior is used to evaluate, optimize and correct the optimization and combination process to find new solutions.
MEMS promises a new revolution in the field of silicon assembly products that is not based on microelectronics and micromachines technology, which is in the direction of making possible the full realization of "systems on a chip". MEMS is a technology that allows the development of smart products, the completion of the computing ability of micro-electrons, taking into account the capabilities of micro-sensors and micro-actuators, and the development of the possible design and use space. Microelectronic integrated circuits can be considered as the mastermind of a system, and MEMS augments this decision-making capability with eyes and arms to allow microsystems to perceive the environment by measuring mechanical, temperature, biological, chemical , They collect optical and magnetic. Electronics then information taken from sensors and Through some decisions, it instructs the arms to react by moving, positioning, adjusting, pumping, and filtering .
As a result, the environment is controlled for the desired requirements . As MEMS devices are made for use in batch fabrication methods such as integrated circuits , a new level of performance, reliability and dexterity can be achieved on a small silicon chip at a relatively low cost .
ICs must provide MEMS performance characteristics such as device control and electromechanical structures based on electromagnetism , input-output channels, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversions, filtering , data utilization, etc. MEMS are infinitely small. Moving motors smaller than the diameter of a hair, at the same time, MEMS technology does not talk about sizes in principle. MEMS is usually made using silicon technology . Because silicone has good properties that make it an excellent choice for high-end mechanical applications , for example, the strength-to -weight ratio of silicone is superior to many other engineering applications. It is higher that this feature makes it possible to obtain mechanical devices with high bandwidth.
Conclusion :
The processes of composition, design and optimization are actually an evolution of natural samples. At each level of the hierarchy of design, the efficiency of the system in the realm of its behavior is used to evaluate, optimize and correct the optimization and combination process to find new solutions.
Researcher and author: Dr. ( Afshin Rashid)
Specialized doctorate in nano-microelectronics