Effective effects of electron waves on carbon nanoparticles of graphite nanoparticles Graphen Nano Ribbon (based on nano-micro electronics PHD) (educational-research doctorate)

Researcher  and author PhD student:  Afshin Rashid

Note: Graphene nanofibers are a form of modified carbon and offer a variety of potentials for use in nanotechnology components, especially in the structure of carbon nanotubes and in the field of electronic switches.

The physical origin of such behavior could be due to the interfering effects of electron waves  on the carbon branches of the graphene stream. At a certain range  of electron energy, the electron waves interfere with each other  and the electric current is weakened. Therefore, by increasing the length of  the graphene nano tape, we are exposed to the appearance of a gap in the conduction curve  On the other hand, if the increase is accompanied by an increase in the connection points with the central region, it is characterized as a linear behavioral formation in the  curve. This behavior is due to the increase of electron flux pathways  from the left electrode to the central region. Establishing  currents in  the interference effects of electron waves on carbon nanoparticles of  large graphene nanoparticles can be intensified based on tunneling.  Justified. Because over long distances, a gap is created in the conduction  and the current becomes zero. However, with the increase in bias voltage, the range of  energy with which electrons can flow to the central region  increases, and in this case, when the energy of the electrons is close to  one of the energy levels of the graphene nanoparticle, these  electrons are tuned. It does not amplify the passage through the middle zone and the  current increases rapidly for voltages greater than the conduction gap  .

Another characteristic curves and  symmetry  of the electron wave interference in the branches of carbon nano graphene strip Graphen Nano Ribbon  of current-voltage characteristic curve and conductivity curve is  due to the symmetrical connection nano graphene strip to the electrodes. If the  connection of one of the electrodes is weak and the connection of the other electrode is strong,  the characteristic current-voltage curve and the conduction curve will be asymmetric  .  Graphene nanofibers used in nanostructures, depending on their  length and width, can show metallic or semi-conductive behavior  .


Electronic conduction of graphene nanoparticles of chairs and zigzags connected to two metal conductors in the presence of local nanoelectromagnetic field The effects of electron interference on the carbon nanoparticles of graphene nanoparticles Graphen Nano Ribbon are dramatically increased. Also, in a zigzag nanotube, which is transversely connected to two simple conductors, in the absence of a magnetic field, several fan intensities  in the conduction spectrum of that magnetic flux can destroy them and create new counter-intensifications  .

Author: PhD Student  ( Afshin Rashid)

PhD student in Nano-Microelectronics at Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran