مطالب تخصصی و فوق تخصصی (برق _الکترونیک) و (دکترای نانو _ میکرو الکترونیک)

توضیحی کامل درباره مباحث تخصصی و فوق تخصصی برق_الکترونیک و دکترای نانو _ میکرو الکترونیک

۳۰۱۵ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «نانو میکرو الکترونیک» ثبت شده است

(Arc discharge in nanoelectronics For the production of carbon nanotubes(nano electronic engineering)

Arc discharge in nanoelectronics For the production of carbon nanotubes(nano-microelectronics engineering)

Author and Researcher: Engineer Afshin Rashid 

Note: The arc method was used to produce carbon nanotubes. In this method, a near-low voltage source is  used to spark between the two electrodes. The intermediate metal catalyst is added to the graphite anode to accelerate the production of carbon nanotubes  
The catalyst can be mixed with graphite anode in two ways:
1- Adding a mixture of catalyst and graphite powder to the coaxial holes in the anode; 
2. Homogeneous catalyst mixing at the grafted anode.

In nanoelectronics during spark, a large electric current (between 51 and 001) passes through two electrodes approximately one millimeter apart in the chamber. 
The carbon nanotubes are then collected with the hands of the by-products produced on the cathode. This method is difficult to control due to its high temperature (3011 K). In order to perform this procedure, the perimeter of the machine must be empty and at a low pressure between 001 and 301 mesh. This process, such as laser abrasion, is performed in an inert gas, usually helium or argon. The role of gas in this process is to stabilize the electric spark which results in the deposition conditions. Arc stability and current intensity are the factors that influence the efficiency of carbon nanotube production with this method. The disadvantages of this method are its cost, high heat intensity and production of unwanted byproducts such as graphite particles. 
In nanoelectronics, liquid nitrogen medium was used to produce carbon nanotubes using the arc method. The liquid environment leads to the creation of one 
The oxygen-free environment is used for reaction and cooling of the products. So using liquid medium, this method cheaper and more affordable 
It becomes more economical.

Note: Carbon nanotubes are used in the production of nano-transistors. Nano-transistors are used in the production of nano-chips.

In the field of nanoelectronics, single-walled carbon nanotubes are produced instead of multiple-walled. Its efficiency depends on the type of metal catalyst. The nanotubes have a diameter of between 5 and 01 nanometers and grow to hundreds of micrometers in length. It is worth noting that the ends of all single-walled nanotubes are completely sealed with a hemispherical shell. Single-walled carbon nanotubes produced by this method are purer than nanotubes produced by other methods.

Author: Engineer Afshin Rashid
PHD student in Nano-Microelectronics at Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran