Micro-nanoelectromechanical (BioNEMS) and (BioMEMS) systems based on nanoelectronics electronics PHD (educational-research doctorate)
Researcher and author: PhD student : Afshin Rashid
Note: The creative use of nano-micro-electronic systems and (MEMS nano-electromechanical systems) in the applications of nano-electronic sensors has provided favorable conditions for (nano-NEMS) to accurately and correctly identify environmental factors .
The use of nanotechnology in the applications of nanobio sensors has facilitated the precise control and regulation of environmental nanotechnology . Nanostructures are widely used in nanotechnology sensors due to their small nanometer size and multiple functions in specific locations . Develop a variety of multi-purpose MEMS / NEMS devices with micro and nano-electronic features for biomedical applications (BioMEMS / BioNEMS ) through various manufacturing techniques and biocompatible nanomaterials . However, integrating devices with the physiological environment of nanobio sensors is a major problem . Most of them lose their function due to the limitations of nanoparticles in nanobio sensors and cause Adverse effects. In laboratory conditions and applications of bio-environmental nanosensors, the performance of Bio MEMS implants such as biosensors , smart stents, etc., as well as the interaction of these devices with the environmental physiological environment of bio-biosensors and biocompatible BioMEMS for use in evolutionary structure. And the architecture of nanobio sensors is essential.
Micro-nanoelectromechanical systems (BioNEMS) and (BioMEMS) intelligent surfaces are very useful so that by using nanotechnology and polymeric materials or various molecules, their surface can be modified and finally, the side effects are reduced and the performance of the device Improved inside nanobio sensors and in environmental conditions . Nano- porous coatings for door applications, electrodes made of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in nano-bio-chemical sensors modified by nanowires and nanoparticles, and nanoparticles used in nano-bio-optical sensors. The use of nano-porous coatings such as similar alumina-coated nanoparticles (diamond-coated with aluminum) Adverse environmental effects of nanobio sensors are resistant. On the other hand , silicon nanotubes are widely used as nanostructures in MEMS technologies due to their ease of manufacturing.
New analytical tools are able to explore the nanometer world to determine the nanoelectrochemical and mechanical properties of micro-nanoelectromechanical (BioNEMS) and (BioMEMS) systems, discover new phenomena and processes, and provide knowledge with a wide range of tools, materials, and devices. Bio-sensory systems and systems have unique features. Biosensors are widely used in many general, industrial, and specific fields. However, developing diagnostic methods based on nanoparticles is still a challenge. Rapid and accurate detection requires nanobiosensors with low power consumption and fast reactions to increase selectivity and sensitivity. Undoubtedly, each of these parameters requires further advances due to the expansion of nanotechnology and the integration of different techniques.