Analysis of the multidimensional structure of CNTs multilayer carbon nanotubes (based on nano-microelectronics PHD)

Researcher  and author PhD student:  Afshin Rashid

Note: CNTs multilayer carbon nanotubes in the structure can be thought of as a rolled graphite plate, which is composed  of carbon atoms in the form of  a similarly  shaped  shape, and typically the diameter of these compounds is in the nanometer range  and can be metallic. They are conductive and have very interesting properties  such as regular structure with a ratio of length to high radius  , very low weight, thermal conductivity and high surface area  , thermal resistance, Young's modulus and high elasticity.

CNT carbon nanotubes are hollow cylinders made of carbon atoms in the form of hexagonal structures. Two common zigzag and armature structures with multiple geometric and behavioral characteristics are studied to assess the effect of structure type on changes in mechanical properties, the most important of which is the modulus of elasticity.

Carbon nanotubes have a very high specific surface area, high permeability and good mechanical and thermal stability. However, the porosity of carbon nanotubes is significantly smaller. Nanotubes have shown that due to the smooth inner surface of nanotubes, they have higher or the same current intensity than much larger pores. The shape of a carbon tube is more desirable than other forms of carbon, such as graphite sheets. This is because the tubular structure lacks non-bonding and suspended bands, which makes the structure less energy efficient. They exhibit unusual strength, elasticity, high tensile strength, low weight, and unparalleled electrical properties, while being efficiently heat conductors.CNTs carbon nanotubes have a hexagonal tube shape. Nanotubes can be assumed to be graphite sheets that are tubed. Depending on the axis of rotation, nanotube plates can be conductive or semiconductor.


The structure of CNTs and its special and unique properties, including high Young's modulus and good tensile strength on the one hand, and the carbon nature of CNTs carbon nanotubes, because carbon is a low-weight, very stable and simple material for processes that It is cheaper to produce metals.  In CNTs carbon nanotubes, the surface of nanotubes has many and important applications in terms of wetting.

Author: PhD Student  ( Afshin Rashid)

PhD student in Nano-Electronics at Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran