External membrane of CNT carbon nanotubes (based on nanotechnology - microelectronics PHD)
Researcher and author PhD student : Afshin Rashid
Note: The rate of electron emission on foreign nanoparticles increases with the binding and increase of the amount of nanoparticles on the outer surface of carbon nanotubes.
Such cylindrical molecules have emerging properties that make them a useful potential in many applications in nanotechnology, optics, electronics, and other fields of materials science. The shape of a carbon tube is more desirable than other forms of carbon, such as graphite sheets. This is because the tubular structure lacks non-bonded and suspended bands, which makes the structure less energy efficient. They show unusual strength, elasticity, high tensile strength, low weight, and unparalleled electrical properties, and are efficiently heat conductors. Nanotubes have a tubular shape with a hexagonal structure in terms of structure. Nanotubes can be assumed to be graphite sheets that are tubed. Depending on the axis of rotation, nanotube plates can be conductive or semiconductor. Carbon nanotubes are hollow, circular structures composed of carbon atoms that can be arranged as single or multi-walled and have metallic and quasi-conductive properties. Carbon nanotubes have a very high specific surface area, high permeability and good mechanical and thermal stability. However, the porosity of carbon nanotubes is significantly smaller. Nanotubes have shown that due to the smooth inner surface of the nanotubes, they have higher or the same current intensity than much larger pores.
One of the most important factors in the outer membrane of nanotubes is the rapid propagation of electrons and the stability of the applied arc, as well as the amount of current and voltage. Nanotubes are CNTs (tubes) that are made on a nanoscale by nanoparticles . Nanotubes are a member of the fulleren family. The diameter of a nanotube is about a few nanometers. While its length can reach several millimeters. One of the properties of carbon nanotubes is field propagation. One of the key benefits of carbon nanotubes is their ability to cross plasma membranes. CNT nanotubes have significant properties in cases such as electrical conductivity , flexibility and strength.
Conclusion :
The rate of electron emission on foreign membrane nanoparticles increases with the binding and increase of the amount of nanoparticles on the outer surface of carbon nanotubes.
Author: PhD Student ( Afshin Rashid)
PhD student in Nano-Microelectronics at Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran