(Nano Telecommunication) Microstrip Antennas

Researcher  and author: Dr.   (   Afshin Rashid)

Note: Microstrip antennas are low profile antennas. A metal patch mounted on the ground with dielectric material between them forms a  micro strip  or  patch antenna  . In fact,  there are antennas with very small size that have little radiation.  Microstrip Antennas are popular  for low-spec applications at frequencies above  100 MHz  .

The Microstrip Antenna consists of a very thin metal strip that is held in place on a ground plate with a dielectric material. The radiant element and the power lines are placed on the dielectric material by the imaging process. A patch or micro-strip is usually selected as a square, circle or rectangle for ease of analysis and fabrication. Microstrip antennas are increasingly useful because they can be printed directly on the circuit board Micro-strip antennas are low-cost, low-spec, and easy to build. The microstrip antenna is powered by a microstrip transmission line. The antenna, microtrip transmission line and ground plate are made of high conductivity metal (usually copper). 

The microstrip antenna should be half the wavelength in the dielectric medium (substrate). The width  of the micro-strip antenna controls the input impedance. Larger bandwidth can also increase bandwidth. For a square patch antenna powered by the above method, the input impedance will be about 300 ohms. By increasing the width, the impedance can be reduced. However, to reduce the input impedance to 50 ohms, you often need a very wide microstrip antenna that takes up a lot of valuable space. More width  controls the radiation pattern. The bandwidth of the microstrip antenna is very small. Rectangular microstrip antennas are generally narrow. The bandwidth of rectangular microstrip antennas is usually 3%. Second, the microstrip antenna is designed to operate at 100 MHz, but  has a resonance of about 96 MHz. This change is due to the marginal fields around the antenna, which makes the  microstrip antenna appear longer. Communication between nano-devices is a major challenge related to the development of nano-antennas and related electromagnetic receivers. Reducing the size of a traditional  antenna  to hundreds of nanometers leads to  very high operating frequencies At THz band frequencies, the very large bandwidth available leads to the loss of a much higher path than the lower frequency bands.  

Conclusion : 

Microstrip antennas are low profile antennas. A metal patch mounted on the ground with dielectric material between them forms a  micro strip  or  patch antenna  . In fact,  there are antennas with very small size that have little radiation. Microstrip Antennas are popular for low-spec applications at frequencies above  100 MHz  .

Researcher  and author: Dr.   (   Afshin Rashid)

PhD in Nano-Microelectronics