_ Department of electronics and industrial nano lasers

Ruby nano-lasers (industrial - electronic)  structure  and functions

Researcher  and author: Dr.   (   Afshin Rashid)

Note: Nano lasers are ruby ​​crystal  (   sandstone) in which some of  its ions have been replaced with diamond crystal ions. As a laser material, this crystal is usually   prepared from the growth of a suitable mixture of ruby ​​crystal melt approximately 0.05% by weight) . The ruby ​​nano laser is a three-level device .

The active substance of this ruby ​​nano laser is obtained  with about 0.05% by weight of chromium as an impurity in it  . They are active species that are replaced  by aluminum ions in the network. It shows the important levels in performing the laser operation  . The laser transition (at 694 nm)  occurs between the recent levels and the ground state levels, and therefore the ruby ​​nano laser is a three-level laser device. For this reason, it is necessary to have more than half the number of ions tailing to a  stationary  state , in order to reverse the population.  

From the structural point of view, rubies   are uniaxial host single crystals and have a hexagonal structure. The crystal has an axis of symmetry. In the pollution process, one of the aluminum ions  is replaced by an impurity ion. It can be grown using laser rods with a length of 15 cm and a diameter of 3.5 cm. In the growth process, the crystal is grown on the primary seed with high purity and is slowly pulled out of the liquid melt. The amount of contamination is 0.05 percent by weight  . Ruby crystal  is also contaminated with positive ions and its growth process is similar to ruby. The ruby ​​nano laser is one of the solid state nano laser systems whose adjustable wavelength range is very wide and around 300 nm . In fact, the threshold energy of the ruby ​​nano laser is about one order of magnitude higher than the threshold energy of the nano laser of the same size. But nano-ruby lasers are used for some scientific applications such as topography and distance tests (such as military range finders) .    

Conclusion :  

Nano lasers are ruby ​​crystal  (   sandstone) in which some of  its ions have been replaced with diamond crystal ions. As a laser material, this crystal is usually   prepared from the growth of a suitable mixture of ruby ​​crystal melt approximately 0.05% by weight) . The ruby ​​nano laser is a three-level device .

Researcher  and author: Dr.   (   Afshin Rashid)

Specialized doctorate in nano-microelectronics