To  separately or in combination with e-beam lithography, can be used for large nanostructure devices (Doctor of nano-micro-electronics)

Researcher  and author: Dr.   (   Afshin Rashid)

Note:   Separately or in combination with electron beam lithography, it can be used for the nanostructure of large devices. Nano-lithography is  an emerging lithographic technology that promises a high pattern of patterning of nanostructures.

With electron beam nano-lithography, resolution characteristics below 50 nm can be achieved in large areas. Electron beam nano-  lithography can significantly simplify the production of nanostructures using a wide range of materials. Electron beam nano-  lithography has inherently better dimensional control that can be achieved using conventional UV lithography. Writes arbitrary and complex patterns using the focused beam of electrons. The advantage is that almost any pattern can be created. The disadvantage of commercial production is that the processing time of individual wafers can be relatively long (tens to thousands of hours). Nano-lithography, which is similar to the production of standard semiconductors, generally uses methods to create an image in the polymer resist layer.

Electron beam nano-lithography is usually performed in a special environment or in equipment specially designed for this purpose. In both cases, an electron beam with accurate focus is scanned sequentially along the sample to show resistance. The electron beam nano-lithography process is inherently slow compared to other methods because the electron beam requires a limited time at each point of exposure. It is rare to be exposed to a sample multiple times. Some developments are underway for multi-electron beam exposure  In contrast to long exposure times, very high resolution (below 100 nm) is typically achieved by electron beam nano-lithography and, with a little optimization and appropriate equipment, reaches the range of 10 nm,  as in Electron beam nano-lithography  occurs, positive and negative resistances are present in  electron beam nano-lithography  as well as the ability to perform lifting processes that save the etching stage.

Conclusion :

To   separately or in combination with e-beam lithography, can be used for large nanostructure devices. Nano-lithography is  an emerging lithographic technology that promises a high pattern of patterning of nanostructures.

Researcher  and author: Dr.   (   Afshin Rashid)

PhD in Nano-Microelectronics