What is molecular nanoelectronics?

Nanoelectric arrays of  fullerine molecules  , the so-called fullerene peapods 
Researcher  and author: Dr.   (   Afshin Rashid)

Note: The structure and electronic properties of empty single-wall nanotubes (SWNT) and SWNT filled with fullerene molecules are also called (nano peapods). The characteristics of this type of unique metal SWCNT nanotubes are dedicated to metal electrodes or superconductors.

 nano peapods are carbon nanotubes and surround fullerene molecules, they can provide advanced performance in terms of empty CNT nanotubes. Their applications include, for example, data storage devices, single-electron transistors, and spin-qubit arrays for quantum computing. The nanotube by the trapped fullerenes is an obstacle for the peapods to reach their full potential in nanoscale electronic applications.

This group of carbon nanotubes are called Peapod, which are Buckyball pellets like a bullet inside the shell and inside the carbon nanotube. This group is one of the last group of carbon structures of CNT carbon nanotubes. empty CNT carbon nanotubes, we find an abnormal temperature dependence of the Coulomb oscillations, which indicates the existence of a nanoelectromechanical coupling between the electronic states of the nanotubes and the mechanical vibrations of the fullerenes . interaction between electrical and mechanical stimulation in peapods, which will emerge as a new class of nanoelectromechanical systems Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) that have arrays of  fullerene molecules  , the so-called fullerene peapods. 

Conclusion : 

with a nano-electromechanical connection between electronic and quantum states of CNT carbon nanotubes and mechanical vibrations of fullerenes. Peapod is a carbon  nano hybrid material composed of spherical. Fullerene  enclosed in a CNT carbon nanotube Named because of their resemblance to the seeds of the pea plant. Since the properties of carbon stones are different from those of nanotubes and fullers, carbon peapod can be recognized as a new type of self-assembled graphic structure.

Researcher  and author: Dr.   (   Afshin Rashid)

Specialized doctorate in nano-microelectronics