_ Department of electronics and industrial nano lasers

Industrial infrared nano lasers inferared Nano Laser

Researcher  and author: Dr.   (   Afshin Rashid)

Note:  Infrared nano lasers  are widely used among different types of nano lasers with the highest average power among nano lasers The reason for this wide application is high efficiency, reasonable price, they are used in various industries. The working wavelength of this nano laser is 6.10 micrometers, which puts this laser in the category of broad wavelength nano lasers.

Infrared nano laser  or  terahertz nano laser  (  FIR laser  ,  terahertz laser  ) is a nano laser  with an output wavelength  between 30-1000 micrometers (frequency  0.3-10 terahertz), in the infrared  or terahertz band  of the electromagnetic spectrum. Infrared nanolasers  are used in terahertz spectroscopy, electromagnetic imaging, and also in the detection of fusion plasma physics. They can be used to identify explosives and chemical agents  , using infrared spectroscopy,  or to evaluate plasma density using interferometric methods. Infrared Nano Lasers usually from a waveguide long (1-3 m)  filled with gaseous organic molecules, formed by   optical  pumping or through HV discharge. They are very inefficient, often requiring helium cooling, high magnetic fields, or just being adjustable. Efforts are underway to develop smaller solid state options. Infrared nano lasers inferared Nano Laser is a tunable, solid state, infrared laser.  This nano laser works in crossed electric and magnetic fields at the temperature of liquid helium. Wavelength selectivity can be achieved by varying the applied electric/magnetic fields or by introducing elements into the cavity.

Infrared nano lasers inferared Nano Laser is a solid state  semiconductor laser  that can work continuously with an output power of more than 100 mW and a wavelength of 9.5 micrometers. Its prototype has already been shown. and potential use is shown. Infrared nano lasers can also work with far infrared wavelengths. Infrared nano lasers are also used to produce very short pulses, which can produce terahertz pulses with optical modification.

Conclusion :

Infrared nano lasers  are widely used among different types of nano lasers with the highest average power among nano lasers The reason for this wide application is high efficiency, reasonable price, they are used in various industries. The working wavelength of this nano laser is 6.10 micrometers, which puts this laser in the category of broad wavelength nano lasers.

Researcher  and author: Dr.   (   Afshin Rashid)

Specialized doctorate in nano-microelectronics