_ Department of electronics and industrial nano lasers

Free electron nano-lasers industerial

Researcher  and author: Dr.   (   Afshin Rashid)

Note: Free electron nanolasers are used  in high power military applications because they have a very high potential efficiency. Nanolasers are  mostly based on the concept of population inversion between the energy levels of bound states of separate materials, that is, electrons are either attached to atoms and molecules, or electrons are moving along several atoms. 

In  free electron nano lasers, the electrons have more freedom of movement compared to these cases. The basis of the free electron laser is the oscillation of electrons in a vacuum that is devoid of any material gain. The basis of the laser is that the electron beam passes through an alternating magnetic field which is called moving at a speed close to the speed of light. The relativistic speed of electrons causes a frequency fluctuation to move from the low frequency observed by the coordinate system mounted on the electron. The accurate description of the free electron nanolaser requires the use of the theory of relativity, but some basic concepts can be understood without it. . We know that an accelerated electron radiates and also by radiation from an antenna where charges oscillate back and forth along a fixed path.

In the free electron laser, like any other laser, the benefit of the laser is due to the presence of induced emission. The high power of the free electron nanolaser has been paid more attention in military fields. The quality of the laser output is determined by the quality of the electron beam. The angular divergence of the electron beam leads to a decrease in gain, non-uniformity in the magnets produces emission broadening. A pulsed electron beam leads to the output of a pulsed laser and a continuous electron beam leads to a continuous laser output.

Conclusion :

Free electron nanolasers  have high power military applications because they have a very high potential efficiency. Nanolasers are  mostly based on the concept of population inversion between the energy levels of bound states of separate materials, that is, electrons are either attached to atoms and molecules, or electrons are moving along several atoms.

Researcher  and author: Dr.   (   Afshin Rashid)

Specialized doctorate in nano-microelectronics