Investigation of electro-magnetic properties of uniform nano-wires (based on nano-micro-electronics PHD doctorate) (educational-research doctorate)
Researcher and author: PhD student : Afshin Rashid
Note: In order to study the electromagnetic properties of nanowires, it is necessary to produce uniform nanoparticles with diameter and length.
In the immersion method, the nanowires have enough time to transfer from the nanoparticles to the cavities ; the step of forming uniform nanoparticles is done slowly and eventually uniform nanowires are formed. Structural study with FESEM has been performed in the method of immersion of single-stranded nano-wires in all porosity and in a large area in nanoparticle particles. Changing the Sr / Fe ratio does not change the morphology of the nanowires. And spectroscopy of nanowires with a ratio of Sr / Fe states within the nano-particles inside (nanowires uniform) elements Fe and Sr of ferrite strontium in spectroscopy nanowires uniform is seen in the sample of nanoparticles Sr / Fe to value Its stoichiometry is close to that of electro-magnetic nanoparticles, while Due to the lower solubility of nanocomposite nanocrystals of uniform strontium relative to iron nitrate, followed by lower presence of strontium ions in the reaction, with electromagnetic particles of nanofibers, there is a greater amount of Fe ion in the structural structure.
Molar active electromagnetic particles are used at ambient temperature to separate uniform nanosystems . In the application of nanowires in nanoscale electronic devices or some other applications, it is necessary to separate the nanowires from alumina particles . It is also necessary not to separate the uniform nanoparticles for better nanoelectrostatic studies. In the application of uniform ferritic nanowires as microwave absorbers, it is not necessary to separate the nanowires from inactive electromagnetic nanoparticles because the presence of dielectric material plays an important role in the absorption of the wave.
Nano-particles of electrons in nanowires and nanotubes separated from active molecules nano-electromagnetic and nanowires smoothly with the special (ratio of length to diameter) high, it is clear, that nanowires with a smooth surface and uniform property Electro It is more magnetic than conventional nanowires.