(Nano Telecommunication) Zeta Hertz Frequency Band Zettahertz Functions and Applications
Researcher and author: Dr. ( Afshin Rashid)
Note: ZetaHz is a unit of frequency with the symbol "ZHz". This frequency is a mixture of the metric prefix "zetta" and the SI unit derived from the "hertz" frequency.
( Zeta Hertz) is equal to the number of cycles per second. The frequency of any phenomenon with regular periodic changes can be expressed in Hertz, but the term is mostly used in connection with alternating currents, electromagnetic waves (light, radar , etc.) and sound . It is part of the Frequency Unit (SI) system, which is based on the metric system and is widely used today, although the term "cycle per second" has not been completely replaced in telecommunications science.
There are other units for measuring frequency, such as: rpm and cycle per second. ( Zeta Hertz) are a type of frequency band and radio waves are shaky and fluctuating, which means that they increase frequently and reach the point of vibration and oscillation, which is called "peak" and again to the minimum and down. They reach their maximum, which in physics terms we call "feed" or "frequency reduction"; So frequently this increase and decrease of frequency occur in these waves.
Zettahertz frequency band in HF high frequency systems
In general, high frequencies around the world use a frequency of about 15.567 - 13.553 MHz, and 13.56 waves are approximately 22 meters long. These tags are much less expensive than low frequency tags and the technology associated with them is dynamic and fully evolved. At high frequencies, radio wave magnetic media exchange is used more for tracking systems. High frequency systems are mostly used in smart cards, traffic control systems, libraries, etc.
Conclusion :
Zetahertz is a unit of frequency with the symbol "ZHz". This frequency is a mixture of the metric prefix "zetta" and the SI unit derived from the "hertz" frequency.
Researcher and author: Dr. ( Afshin Rashid)
PhD in Nano-Microelectronics