(electrical nano memory) and quantum dots 

Researcher  and author: Dr.   (   Afshin Rashid)

Note: One of the new data storage tools is the use of nickel quantum dots in nanometer sizes, which are expected to be used to store terabytes of data. According to  nano molecular memories,  there is a high potential for activity in this field.

One of the goals of nanotechnology is to advance in the field of electronics and computer science, to make memories and chips with more capabilities and less cost. As explained above, achieving goals in this area will eliminate many defects in machines. Especially memories and assemblers, which will be a huge revolution in the electronics industry, in the field of nanotechnology.The production and construction of molecular nano memories is one of the largest industrial sectors, but it also faces many technical problems; Problems such as charge leakage from the capacitor, structures with increasing complexity, and sensitivity to minor errors caused by cosmic rays. The existence of such problems makes the chip makers unable to reduce the dimensions of their chips more than this. Other significant issues in this field include SRAM chips related to large memory cells, the difficulty of placing DRAM and flash memory next to logic chips, and the slow access time of flash memory and its limited stability.

Each quantum dot consists of a single ball of several hundred atoms that can have one of two magnetic states. This allows them to contain a single bit of information (zero or one), as is customary in machine computing. In conventional hard disks, the data bits must be spaced far enough apart to avoid reciprocation. Quantum dots act as completely independent units that are not structurally connected, so they can become somewhat closer to each other. Quantum dots act as completely independent units that are not structurally connected, so they can become somewhat closer to each other.


One of the new information storage tools is the use of nickel quantum dots in nanometer sizes, which are expected to be used to store terabytes of data. According to  nano molecular memories,  there is a high potential for activity in this field.

Researcher  and author: Dr.   (   Afshin Rashid)

Specialized doctorate in nano-microelectronics