Microchip Biochip Scanners Biochip Laboratory (Structure and Function) PhD Nano _ Microelectronics

Researcher  and author: Dr.   (   Afshin Rashid)

Note: These probes connect to the targets in the test sample. Due to hybridization, contact is made between the probes and their target. Biochip scanners and microarray image analysis software are then used to identify the target and quantify the signal. The results are obtained at the statistical level and are interpreted in a biological context.

A   biochip, or biochip, is a small-scale device, similar  to an integrated circuit  , made of or used to analyze organic molecules associated with living organisms. A type of theoretical biochemistry is a small device made up of large organic molecules such as proteins that can perform the functions (data storage, processing) of an electronic computer. Another type of biochemistry is a small device that can perform rapid biochemical reactions on a small scale to identify gene sequences, environmental contaminants, airborne toxins, or other biochemicals  . The biochip microchip is  a small version of a laboratory that uses hundreds of biochemical reactions simultaneously. They are specifically designed to function in a biological environment, especially within living organisms. This is not an electronic device. Biochips are made up of millions of biosensors that are used as micro-reactors to detect specific analytes such as enzymes, proteins, biological molecules and antibodies.

In fact  microchip Biochip Scanners Biochip Laboratory  Tools
Are analytics that can take advantage of material intelligence 
Biologically identify compounds and compounds and with them 
React. The product of this reaction can be a message 
Be it chemical, optical or electrical.
Biochip Scanners Microchips Biochip Laboratories are a  collection of microarrays of small test sites perched on a solid platform that allow multiple experiments to be performed simultaneously to achieve higher power and speed. Normally, the surface of the biochip is not larger than the nail. Like a computer chip, which can perform millions of mathematical operations in one second, a biochemistry can perform thousands of biological reactions, such as decoding genes, in a matter of seconds.

Researcher  and author: Dr.   (   Afshin Rashid)

PhD in Nano-Microelectronics