- Oligophenylene vanillin  nano  wires section

Oligophenylene vanillin  nanowires  are  very thin - it is possible to create nanowires with a diameter of only one nanometer.

Researcher  and author: Dr.   (   Afshin Rashid)

Note:  Oligophenylene vanillin  nanowires  have  a structure that   has an amazing length-to-width ratio . Nanowires are very thin - it is possible to create nanowires with a diameter of only one nanometer,  nanowires are used to create the smallest transistor (nanotransistors). 

Oligophenylene vanillin  nanowires  can  have   insulating, semiconducting or metal properties . Insulators do not carry electrical charges, while metals carry very good electrical charges. Semiconductors lie between the two and are charged under the right conditions. By placing semiconductor wires in the right configuration, transistors can be made that either act  as  switches  or  amplifiers  . Some of the interesting and anti-flexible properties of nanowires are due to their small scale. 

Some  Oligophenylene vanillin  nanowires  are  ballistic  conductors . In normal conductors, electrons collide with atoms in the conductor material. This causes the electrons to slow down as they travel, creating heat as a byproduct. In ballistic conductors, electrons can pass through the conductor without collision. Oligophenylene vanillin  nanowires  can conduct electricity effectively without generating extreme heat. As the bulk volume is reduced to the size of the nanoparticle, its melting point is lowered, because when you reduce any particle to the nanoscale, there is a significant increase in the surface-to-volume ratio. In making and reproduction   Oligophenylene vanillin  nanowires,  top  -  down approach  and   bottom  -up approach  . A true top-down approach is that you take a large amount of the material you want to use for   Oligophenylene  vanillin nanowires  and carve until you get the right size. A bottom-up approach is an assembly process in which smaller particles join together to form a larger structure. Nanotransistors  are created using nanowires. And increasing the resistance of nano wire is directly related to the efficiency and durability of nano transistors. And    Nano-ion transistors perform better than current graphene nano-transistors. 

Conclusion : 

Oligophenylene vanillin  nanowires  have  a structure that   has an amazing length to width ratio . Nanowires are very thin - it is possible to create nanowires with a diameter of only one nanometer,  nanowires are used to create the smallest transistor (nanotransistors). 

  • Researcher  and author: Dr.   (   Afshin Rashid)

    Specialized doctorate in nano-microelectronics